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Related Website Links

Astronomy Organizations
  • American Astronomical Society Web site of the major organization of professional astronomers in North America. It consists of about 6,500 members, whose primary objective is to promote the advancement of astronomy and like sciences.
  • International Astronomical Union Founded in 1919, the International Astronomical Union's mission is to promote and safeguard the science of astronomy in all its aspects through international cooperation.
  • NASA Home Page Site for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration government agency. Stay abreast of what's happening in space with news, links, mission schedules, and more, including NASA for kids.
Astronomy Resources & Publications
  • Astronomy Picture of the Day Each day a different image or photograph of our huge and fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
  • Science Daily: Astronomy News Online news source for the latest on astronomy. Updated daily, the site features astronomy articles, images and videos.
Astronomy Software